VICTORIA CAMINOThe Canadian Company of Pilgrims (CCoP) is a non-denominational volunteer-run association that supports Canadians planning the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Our Story
The Victoria Chapter was started in 2004 by a couple of recently returned pilgrims – who wondered if anyone else out there was interested in the Camino. Since then we have grown by leaps and bounds, and it’s safe to say there is a very strong interest in the Camino amongst the residents of Victoria, the Gulf Islands and the rest of Vancouver Island too. Our meetings also attract pilgrims from the mainland and from Washington state.
The goal of our Chapter is to provide a forum for the exchange of information about the Camino and also offer practical training and information sessions to prospective pilgrims of all religions or none, who are planning on walking, cycling or horseback journey along one of the many Camino de Santiago routes.
Our main pilgrim gathering for the year, held in the Spring, is an all-day conference-style meeting, providing information for new pilgrims as well as programs of interest for experienced pilgrims. We also hold a Fall gathering for recently returned pilgrims. Pre-registration is required for these events.
Our Values & Beliefs
The Victoria Chapter ...
… is a non-denominational volunteer-run association that supports Canadians interested in the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, Spain. We share the Canadian representation with l’Association Québécoise des pèlerins et amis du Chemin de Saint-Jacques.
The Victoria Chapter ...
… provides information and generates awareness and interest in the Camino through a network of chapters across Canada and also through its website and Facebook page.
The Victoria Chapter ...
… Local Chapters provide a forum for the exchange of information about the Camino and also offer practical training and information sessions.
The Victoria Chapter ...
… is also part of an international network of similar organizations operating locally and nationally throughout the world.